An Opportunity for Veterans
Having trouble securing a job - a move into sales could be the solution
While many veterans who enlisted after the September 11 attacks returned from Iraq and Afghanistan and successfully found jobs in the workforce, President Obama recently noted that others have struggled to find a job "worthy of their experience and worthy of their talent."
We offer a simple solution: an opportunity to build on the self-motivation and people skills you learned in the military to market a product and service that is needed by every merchant in the United States today - credit card processing.
Starting a new career can be pretty unsettling. As a salesperson your job is to convince people to buy your company's product or service. That can be daunting, but rest assured you can succeed and when you do make your first sale it's an incredibly great feeling!
We provide comprehensive training both in general sales and in sales and support for your merchant accounts. But in general, here are a few steps you should plan to follow to get selling as quickly and painlessly as possible.
- You can't sell effectively if you don't know what you're selling.
- We provide our Independent Sales Representatives (ISR) with resources to help them sell effectively; however, you'll need to be proactive and use these tools.
- If you don't understand the rules of the game, you can't expect to succeed.
- You need to prepare yourself for the toughest part of the job: rejection. The vast majority of your phone calls and appointments will not end in a sale.
- You must remember that if a prospect turns you down, they are not rejecting YOU. They're rejecting your offer because they don't want it at that particular moment.
- When a prospect says no, it might have nothing to do with you. They might be busy at the moment or just having a bad day. If you call back in two weeks and try again, the same person could suddenly be eager to buy. That's why self-confidence is vital to sales. You need to keep trying and not let a bad encounter bother you.
Additionally, we have the powerhouse backup of FISERV; with FISERV we have the support, experience, and integrity of 37,000+ employees standing behind us.
OR CALL: (800) 838-9598 Ext 101
Fairmed, Inc. is a service-connected Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise
Ignite Payments-Fairmed and its DVBE Affiliate Program are wholly owned by Fairmed Inc.
DVBE/CPUC Certification #1238360